Are you learning landing page optimization on your new business or blogging website? If that’s the case, you might face multiple troubles with placing video content on those landing pages. That’s because videos, if not placed properly, can slow down your page speed. They also affect the overall CTA of your website. Moreover, the video can either increase or decrease the rating of your website. So, how do we optimize landing pages for video content?

If that’s the query you have been looking for an answer to, then this guide is exactly for you. Start reading with me, and I’ll help you optimize your landing pages to the finest details, even with embedded video content! If you’re aiming to increase Instagram followers through purchase, consider checking out this link.

10 Best Practices To Optimize Landing Pages For Video Content

The anatomy of a high-converting video landing page lies in following the best practices to make a landing page ready for the next big move.

This happens when you perform perfect scaling, injecting, and embedding of video content to your landing pages.

Therefore, in this regard, here are the top 10 best practices you should consider to enhance the conversion rate of a landing page with added videos.

1. Add Videos That Educate

The first and foremost duty of your landing page is to educate the user about the process you are describing. Or the products or services you are offering.

Having no video on the landing page of the website is better than having a video full of fluff.

That’s why you always add short and meaningful videos that educate your users fully. If, by any chance, a visitor has landed on your page.

And find that video; it should be your duty to provide him with enough information he is looking for related to that specific query or topic.

2. The Video Should Represent The Right Goals

Whatever video you are adding to your landing page should have one clear goal: whether you want your user to purchase a product or service.

If you want that visitor to sign up for an email newsletter or anything else, this video should exactly be about that specific task.

This way, you will enable the user to get more out of those few minutes he spared to be on your landing page. If you’re looking to create effective real estate videos, ensure they are focused on driving the specific actions you want your viewers to take.

3. Place the Video Above The Fold, And Don’t Forget To Highlight It

Fold is usually called that area of your website’s landing page which is visible to the visitor without scrolling.

When you put a video in that place and highlight it, it proves highly great for your website.

You will find multiple business websites sharing video content in the fold area on their landing pages.

This way, you enhance your conversion rate, impressions, and engagement with the visitor.

4. Consider Placing Powerful CTA

What’s the point of adding an awesome video and having no CTA button on your landing page? That’s worthless.

Therefore, please put a compelling CTA button on your landing page so that those visitors and the time spent with your visitor on the video should not go to waste.

how do we optimize landing pages for video content

After completing that impactful video, there are higher chances for the person to look for that product or service or do the action you required him to do. So, place it right there.

5. Long Videos Don’t Serve Better, Try Shorter Ones

People have YouTube in case they want to watch long-form content. They are not spending hours on your landing page.

Therefore, your message should be short, relevant, and highly descriptive. Keep short videos, and you will ultimately increase the chances of better ranking.

Keep long videos, and you will lose much more than you would have gained in a short period.

6. A Strong Thumbnail Serves Better

Your video thumbnail inspires a visitor to check that video content and watch it for a reasonable time.

In this case, consider adding a strong thumbnail for your landing page video. This will motivate the viewer to click the video and watch it so that you can deliver your message.

7. Place Closed Captions For Video Content

To optimize your landing page to the best details, keep the closed captions for that video content. It’s just like making your video content more consumable by everyone.

You need to provide the guidance and keep the viewer engaged throughout the sessions. This comes automatically in some videos, such as video files with .srt extensions.

However, for your videos, you can learn the tactics to make closed captions for those embedding videos.

8. Add Auto Play or a “Play Button”

This is something you can test all by yourself. Most people add an Autoplay option for their landing page video content.

That means, no matter whether the person is interested or not in your video, it starts playing the moment a visitor is on your website. But what’s better?

An Auto Play where a user might not be interested in the video at all or encouraging him to play that video?

how do we optimize landing pages for video content

Well, it all comes with testing. You can either use a play button or auto-play option to find whichever suits you best.

9. Use High-Quality Videos

This is the era of 4K, and if you are still lagging behind, you need to upgrade your content. Do this by adding high-quality video content to your landing pages.

This video should be created by using dynamic graphics, moving elements, a high-quality camera, and some famous video-creating tools like Adobe or Wondershare Filmora.

10. Optimize Landing Page Video SEO

SEO is highly important when embedding video content to your landing page. To improve this, you can actually publish that video on a YouTube Channel.

Consider adding Alt text for the video related to your topic or specific message on that landing page.

Use any tool that optimizes video content so that your page speed does not affect it. All of this will improve your website’s SEO, and your landing page will be on the next level in Google SERPs.

Final Thoughts:

Lastly, I’d highly recommend you hire a professional website developer who can do all the hard work for you. This is related to improved video content embedding practices and improved SEO. Besides, everything that I have mentioned in the above section will help your landing page serve better in Google. So, apply these strategies and let me know if these were helpful for your website landing page optimization!